What began as a petite exchange soon blossomed into a gorgeous friendship... It did not take them long to know each other... They slowly became conscious about how parallel they were in everything.... Be it in food, fashion, performance, stance and what not... They barely knew stuff in which they both were diverse (*except for the fact that they had different boyfriends). As both of them belonged to different streams they did not attend their classes together...yet they both were spotted together more than anybody else (*even more than the principal and the secretary ;)). Days became fantastic as they joined at the hip. They were termed as the "TWINS" of the college. If one of them was seen without the other, teachers usually remarked “oi where is ur twin???" And they would put on their pompous grin in reply. Confiding in each other became a convention, rather than stipulation to do so. The bond that both of them shared was purely unexplainable.
Thoughts flowed incessantly, Silence was never unnerving, misunderstandings hardly lasted for a second …love, care and the sense of belonging was in profusion. Thts how it was between them. They talked about almost everything under the sun. They experienced some extraordinary moments together... Their fusion became intense when both of them were elected for the student council of their college. One such remarkable moment was when they cut classes for the first time...If u had to depict that day using a distinct word then it would be pertinent to say "PATHETIC”.
They had planned this "bunk" a day before. To make it look as natural as possible they started to college at their usual timings and met outside their college. The problem was, the plan to bunk was decided but where would they go after bunking was still in evolution. After much ruckus they decided that they would go to a movie at a nearby theatre. They reached the theatre around 8:30. But to their disappointment all they were doing is giving company to the watchman and the cleaner out there, coz the ticket counter opened only at 9.30 and the movie was scheduled at 10:30. Though Ash din know Tamil ;) and the panorama of translating the entire movie to her seemed too much, they din have much choice other than to watch a movie that they already knew was chucked out of box office for its "unendurable" storyline (* Hey ppl ...no no no...That’s wrong. It’s not the kind of movie that u think. Ok the movie was "JAY JAY”...happy??? Now get a hold on urself. I know how wild u can imagine".) After a long wait of 1 hour they finally bought the tickets. As time went by they could not spot even a single gal in the theatre (except them of course) and crowd was too gross for them to handle...They could not see a movie in such a situation....Jus 2 gals in the whole theatre (Pretty gals...note the point)??? NO WAY! They had to do something....They went to the ticket counter and asked the manager to take back their tickets (ok…ok…requested the manager :( ). He gave them an "Idellam unaku thevaya...ozunga college ku poi seravendiyadhu thane...kalela la vandhu uyir edukudhunga paaru look.”, and refunded their money. Happy about their escape but sad abt their wretched encounter they set out to another theatre... It was even worse there.... The morning show was already in progress and the afternoon show was only at 3.30. They were not ready to spend 150 bucks to watch shirtless Sallu and the intolerable romance between Amitabh and Hemamalini in “BAGBHAN” (OMG...they were singing songs over telephone...sheesh how jobless). Snubbed and mortified by the hot sun (ogay..freeya vedu)... they went on to find a decent restaurant to gobble...though both their moms had neatly packed lunch thinking they were going to college(sorry mommy). Finally they found a Punjabi Dhaba and checked in. The restaurant was in the third floor and all the way through the lift they had to endure the life operator who mumbled how somebody can eat this Punjabi food that was so costly. As they reached the 3rd floor and sat down in the deserted restaurant looking for someone to take orders, a lofty and plump Punjabi came from inside and told “Didi...Khana nehi milega, gas khatam. (Meaning...u won’t get food here. Gas is over.... Even more hurting was the fact that a man, as lofty and overgrown as he was, called both of them "didi (sister)"...sheesh"). Vexed up to the hub they came out …got the bus...went straight home and ate mommy's food :(
If this was unforgettable fun...Imagine the fun they had for the entire three years...It was the best 3 years of their life. They could not find anybody who was similar to them. “
No one can be like Ash”, S--- said proudly.
Now both of them are far apart, shaping their career and treading their own paths...But very much in touch. . The days were always fun-filled when they were together but now there is a void in their life without being in each other's companionship – A friend to laugh with, talk anything to without having to think of the consequences- literally any senseless thing, to fight with, to share sentiments, egos and to cry with. The fights that they had occasionally always made them closer to each other. Before they could fully enjoy this best-of-its-kind friendship, it was time for them to part. As time passes by, they would not even know where they will be, what their profile would be, who they will be with, what would they be doing, when we would they meet next... Remembering and loving the deal that they had with each other - even 10 years down the lane, if they find each other they would say that they were meant to be “FRIENDS FOREVER”... Cheers to such a wonderful relationship.
To Ash with love....
Thoughts flowed incessantly, Silence was never unnerving, misunderstandings hardly lasted for a second …love, care and the sense of belonging was in profusion. Thts how it was between them. They talked about almost everything under the sun. They experienced some extraordinary moments together... Their fusion became intense when both of them were elected for the student council of their college. One such remarkable moment was when they cut classes for the first time...If u had to depict that day using a distinct word then it would be pertinent to say "PATHETIC”.
They had planned this "bunk" a day before. To make it look as natural as possible they started to college at their usual timings and met outside their college. The problem was, the plan to bunk was decided but where would they go after bunking was still in evolution. After much ruckus they decided that they would go to a movie at a nearby theatre. They reached the theatre around 8:30. But to their disappointment all they were doing is giving company to the watchman and the cleaner out there, coz the ticket counter opened only at 9.30 and the movie was scheduled at 10:30. Though Ash din know Tamil ;) and the panorama of translating the entire movie to her seemed too much, they din have much choice other than to watch a movie that they already knew was chucked out of box office for its "unendurable" storyline (* Hey ppl ...no no no...That’s wrong. It’s not the kind of movie that u think. Ok the movie was "JAY JAY”...happy??? Now get a hold on urself. I know how wild u can imagine".) After a long wait of 1 hour they finally bought the tickets. As time went by they could not spot even a single gal in the theatre (except them of course) and crowd was too gross for them to handle...They could not see a movie in such a situation....Jus 2 gals in the whole theatre (Pretty gals...note the point)??? NO WAY! They had to do something....They went to the ticket counter and asked the manager to take back their tickets (ok…ok…requested the manager :( ). He gave them an "Idellam unaku thevaya...ozunga college ku poi seravendiyadhu thane...kalela la vandhu uyir edukudhunga paaru look.”, and refunded their money. Happy about their escape but sad abt their wretched encounter they set out to another theatre... It was even worse there.... The morning show was already in progress and the afternoon show was only at 3.30. They were not ready to spend 150 bucks to watch shirtless Sallu and the intolerable romance between Amitabh and Hemamalini in “BAGBHAN” (OMG...they were singing songs over telephone...sheesh how jobless). Snubbed and mortified by the hot sun (ogay..freeya vedu)... they went on to find a decent restaurant to gobble...though both their moms had neatly packed lunch thinking they were going to college(sorry mommy). Finally they found a Punjabi Dhaba and checked in. The restaurant was in the third floor and all the way through the lift they had to endure the life operator who mumbled how somebody can eat this Punjabi food that was so costly. As they reached the 3rd floor and sat down in the deserted restaurant looking for someone to take orders, a lofty and plump Punjabi came from inside and told “Didi...Khana nehi milega, gas khatam. (Meaning...u won’t get food here. Gas is over.... Even more hurting was the fact that a man, as lofty and overgrown as he was, called both of them "didi (sister)"...sheesh"). Vexed up to the hub they came out …got the bus...went straight home and ate mommy's food :(
If this was unforgettable fun...Imagine the fun they had for the entire three years...It was the best 3 years of their life. They could not find anybody who was similar to them. “
No one can be like Ash”, S--- said proudly.
Now both of them are far apart, shaping their career and treading their own paths...But very much in touch. . The days were always fun-filled when they were together but now there is a void in their life without being in each other's companionship – A friend to laugh with, talk anything to without having to think of the consequences- literally any senseless thing, to fight with, to share sentiments, egos and to cry with. The fights that they had occasionally always made them closer to each other. Before they could fully enjoy this best-of-its-kind friendship, it was time for them to part. As time passes by, they would not even know where they will be, what their profile would be, who they will be with, what would they be doing, when we would they meet next... Remembering and loving the deal that they had with each other - even 10 years down the lane, if they find each other they would say that they were meant to be “FRIENDS FOREVER”... Cheers to such a wonderful relationship.
To Ash with love....
hmmmm lots of insights into the s--- character... surprise surprise...
hmmmm change in writing style... more expressive with the italic quotes...
any inspiraton???*wink wink*
Yes...A lot of ispiration from the "depressed dummies" ofcourse... Who else can inspire me better...wat say???
July 4, 2007 5:07 AM
hmm..... think you are spending u'r +ve'ness on writing blogs about your mates.... Kewl one sri.... But it would have been grt, if Ash was there around with you when you felt bad (like when someone left Chennai).... :)
And I just loved u'r previous blog... full of emotions!!!! All the best and wish to read more :)
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