She was reaching the heights of fretfulness that she could hardly sleep. And jus as she felt herself doze, the alarm shrieked.......TRINGGGGGGGGGGGG....
She looked at the alarm with her half closed eyes. It was jus 5:30. She tried to go back to her catnap but in vain...she forced herself out of the bed and shut herself in the bathroom. 10 mins later she heard her mom shouting "Do you want to keep brushing till
She din want to risk her mom's temper again, so she came out and found her morning dose of fresh coffee waiting to arouse her sanity. As she sipped her coffee, she opened her wardrobe and looked at the dress she would wear that day. She had been rehearsing all this for the past one week.... Which dress to wear, which bag to carry, was her slippers clean, did she look fat etc.... She could not be blamed for her exhilaration; after all it was her first day to college.
The journey from her home to college was very gripping to her as this was the first time she was traveling alone somewhere, sans her parents. The bus came to a sudden halt zapping her back to senses. Her bus stop had arrived and she carefully got down from the bus and walked towards her college.
Upon stepping in she found that everything around her was novel...Basically studying in co education school, she was new to this "ALL GALS" environment. It was nothing like her school. She was an audacious gal but something wedged her gorge and she stood there too tentative to approach someone. She stood still for what seemed more than 10 mins, suddenly she realized what she was doing.Now she had to go and ask someone, how long could she stand there and keep staring... Finally suppressing her qualms she went up to a gal in a green salwar and asked "Are you a fresher?" The gal stared back as though she had been asked an indecent question and replied a loud "NO". Suddenly the thought of asking every gal if they were a fresher seemed outright ridiculous to her. As she stood there uncertain about how to proceed she heard an announcement from a distinct source. ". Freshers are kindly requested to report to the auditorium”.
Before the voice over the mike grew fainter she could see lots and lots of gals moving towards the auditorium. She followed silently. Was she the only gal who looked lost??? Did all these gals know how to handle the situation??? Were they not tensed as she was??? Was she so ignorant???? Her mind was buzzing with so many unanswered questions.
As she entered the auditorium she noticed that gals were already in groups. One more question bubbled up to the surface. Did they form the group jus then or did they know each other already??? She felt so abandoned.
She moved further and sat down in an empty chair in the corner. Somehow, she did not fancy herself to be spotted. As minutes ticked by she could see more and more gals filling the room. Slowly she started talking with the gals near her; she asked "Which stream?" The gal replied "B.Comm and you?" Before she could reply that she was from "B.Sc" the gal next to her exclaimed "Hey B.Comm...Same here..." They both began talking happily ever after. Not only did they talk, they also vacated the chair and moved further (Probably they found another gal from their own stream in the 2nd row).
This wonderful gesture by the fellow Freshers continued for the next 15 minutes until she neatly concluded that perusing B.sc in a college where no one else seemed to be of the same stream was atrocious. She sat alone cursing herself, just then a gal came to her and asked, "May I sit here?" She instantly said "Yes of course". The gal smiled and replied "Hi I m ash you?"
She replied "Hi I m S---, Btw which stream?" the gal said “B.Comm" She thought even this gal would soon be vacating this chair. But she managed a weak smile.
They started talking and she expressed her frustration of not finding anyone of her own stream to ash. Soon 2 more gals came and occupied the seats before them. And unfortunately to S--- dismay they also belonged to the "B.Comm Stream". She thought that Ash would start talking to her batch mates, but Ash continued talking to her as though she was not interested in both the gals sitting before her, who were from her own stream...
This relaxed S-- to a great extent and she asked "So where do you live?"
Ash replied “I stay in --------------".
Oh really!!! She exclaimed "That where even I live..."
Wow that’s cool.... And that was a beginning of beautiful journey of friendship and hysterical banter.
......... To be continued
ash and s-- well.. good start to a long lasting friendship... if i am right on te to be contd path.... nice piece of illustration... though this sounded like u were there for a lkg admissions.... sheesh... which college is this... and in which district ;-)
hey sri its a good post..good illustration too... between which college is this???
very nice post....keep writing...
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